How to Make Money by Selling Websites

How to Make Money by Selling Websites

Flipping websites has become a popular because it is a sometimes easy and fast way to make some money online. The internet is a market for what some people like to call virtual real estate. When a website is called virtual real estate it is very similar to physical traditional real estate. Virtual real estate can be bought, renovated, dressed up and sold to the person with the most money or to the first qualified offer. It sounds very easy however the truth is that being able to flip websites has become and art of sorts. You must be aware of what a buyer is looking for in a website that is of high quality in this market.

How to set up the website

If you have built a site from scratch then firstly you must purchase a domain name that is effective. It should an investment and therefore you should spend your money on a unique and memorable domain name that can be related to what the site will be offering. Having a good domain name can also earn you more money when you go to sell the site. At the moment .com domain extensions are of much high value than any other extensions like .net or .org.

After this you should be setting up the site. You need to make sure that it is an attractive website however do not crowd it will too many things. People will become distracted if they are visiting a website that has too many things on it. You are trying to appeal to any potential buyers who are the same as the average person who surfs the web. You want them to be excited and surprised when they visit your site. They should be saying things like “Wow, I love this” and you want them to have a vision for it.

You might even decide that you want to make your website customized for a slighter higher fee. This is a good way to make some more money and the potential buyer might also be more likely to purchase your site instead of another. This is very true especially if they really like your style.

Who are the purchasers?

They are usually large companies that are looking for more website to add to their group of sites. They can also be individuals who are looking to a website that is established and that can give the freedom to do some of the things they want to do to be successful. Therefore a buyer is anyone who is willing to spend top dollar on a site that is of high quality to add to their business.

Therefore, it might be best not to rely on an individual who is starting a new business or other organizations to purchase your sites. They will probably go out and buy their own domain names for a lower price because they are working on a budget. However, you might be able to give them an excellent deal and this could result in an increased base of customers.

Where and how to find buyers

You need to do some marketing for the sale of your site to a potential and qualified buyer. There are many marketplaces that are websites to sell an online site from. The most reputable one will charge a listing fee, however this increases your exposure to buyers who are qualified.

There is of course the option which is to use something like Google adwords to put an advertisement for the website. This will help you create a business site that will let you market the site you want to sell. You can sell and build sites as a career if you wanted to

What buyers look for

Potential buyers are looking for many things when they want to purchase a site. The first on those things is called Search Engine Optimization. Even if a site is personalized and customized to fit their business they still want to know that the site is optimized and that they are getting high search engine rankings. This is very important and there should be a backlink network in place, which means that there should be many links on the Internet that lead to their site. This can be achieved through using article marketing, Adwords ads or forum postings. You can also use any avenue online that lets you post links. You might even think about posting a press release that discusses the release of your site. Therefore, you are using the internet and traditional internet marketing methods to optimize the site in a way that the buyer would need it to function.

Potential buyers also are looking for a site that has frequent updates, that is functional, visually appealing, and that is upgradable. They need a site that is adept in evolving with their business. This is something that you can do for them.