Home SELLING WEBSITES How You Can Buy and Sell an Ecommerce Business

How You Can Buy and Sell an Ecommerce Business


How You Can Buy and Sell an Ecommerce Business

Owning a traditional business, it is simple to advertise that you want to sell it. You can put up a sign, or list it in a business listing, or advertise in the Business Section of the newspaper. Soon enough people will start talking and qualified buyers will come. However this will only work for a traditional brick and mortar business.

Ecommerce businesses are part of the market that are going the fastest in terms of business investors. They are usually easier to manage they have low overhead expenses and you can manage them from a home office. Therefore investors and business people are usually looking for an established online retailer however, where can they go to find an online business opportunity? It is not surprising that the first place to start is the internet. There are online business directories that let you search listings. These directories sometimes focus primarily on traditional businesses and franchises but they usually include ecommerce businesses.

 How can buyers learn about companies being sold

A good place for an ecommerce business owner or investor to start is the online business directory Bizsale.com. On this site you can search for things such as price range, industry and location. They do not have to be ecommerce businesses with retail locations, they can also be software companies, eBay and Amazon businesses, insurance brokerages, web developers and SEO companies. You can even look for non-traditional internet business such as Daily Deal websites, fulfillment centers, wholesalers and much more.

Internet business brokers are businesses; therefore they know how important search engine optimization (SEO), digital marketing and search engine marketing (SEM) are. Actually to find out if an internet business is doing their marketing well just google some of the words on their website to see how high they rank from their keywords. If the business shows up in the top of the search results pages (SERPs) then the business has a good web presence. It is also a good idea to look to social media like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. On social media they should have many “followers”, “likes” and updates.

 Sellers access to buyers

It is a good idea to know when buyers are shopping for ecommerce businesses. This will of course depend on the business type you are trying to sell. We know that many people use CraigsList.com to sell things and business locally, however most online businesses what a larger and wider audience. Therefore the best option is to look for a business broker’s directory that has a good reputation.

When listing your business on a directory you should remember that you want people to directly call you. It would also be a good idea to include all important business information. Do not make the listing coy. Basically you want to tell them enough about the company that they are interested, however you should plan to do the sales pitch in person or on the phone. You should know some business directories so you aren’t alone on selling your business. They also have a good understanding of the valuation of your business, financing, and legal issues and also helping you get the best price possible for your business.

Business brokers know a great deal about small business lending systems and can help you get you business ready for potential bank review. They can also help you value your business, market it and attract the right buyers.