Home MARKETING Domain Appraisals and Finding Value on Your Website

Domain Appraisals and Finding Value on Your Website


Domain names are very important to a website as it serves to be the overall image and identity of your website. Due to that, you would possibly able to see a lot of domain names being sold in the market, but how can you actually determine the worth of your domains? The worth of your domain also refers and being called to be the domain name appraisal, and for you to possibly understand it better, you have to know what it is and the considerations that is being taken in order to determine it.

What is a domain appraisal?

The domain appraisal refers to an estimation of the highest possible price or worth of a certain domain name. The appraisal of your domain serves to be very rough estimations of its value and you would be able to expect the possible changes that it can get once it is already in the listing of a marketplace. There are different factors and elements that may cause some changes to your domain appraisal that is why you have to be ready for all possible changes on it. It could get higher or lower. In order for you to determine the domain name appraisal, most of the time, the web traffic of your site is being considered as well as the ranking of your pages in different search engine results. This is useful for those people who would want to sell domains and possibly want to check the nearest price that they can get once they have posted and listed it in a marketplace.

Determining your Domain Appraisal

In order to determine your domain appraisal, there are some possible things that is being checked and considered. Some of those things are below:

  • If it is considered to be a top level domain. Most of the suffixes that are being used are .net, .org, .info and of course, .com. Domains that uses .com usually have the greatest value in the market.

  • The meaning of your domain name. It is important that your domain is referring to particular subjects or keyword that could be helpful for users to easily know what is your site all about and what you are offering.

  • The length of your domain name. It should be short and simple. It is important that your domain name consists of only short words that can be easily remembered and type in the search engines. It is more convenient to the users and is not prone for errors.

  • The number of searches that is being done by your domain name in the recent history which gives out value to SEO or search engine optimization.

  • Do not use confusing spellings. It could be better if your domain is using the right spelling of the word that is related to your site or most probably doesn’t used some confusing words. Take to consider some people are not good in spelling that is why, simpler words are better.

  • If it contains a number on its name, most likely it will have a lesser value in the market and won’t have that much appreciation with the buyers.

  • The age of your domain name. The older your domain, the most value it can get as it was already established for a longer time and people could be already familiar with it.