Your website’s Value Proposition

Your website’s Value Proposition

Having a website for your business is one of the most important things that you should have in order for you to mobilize and monetized your business to the highest possible value it can get, and believe it or not, website is considered to be one of the assets of your website. There are different definitions that you will commonly see in the internet if you are going to check the possible meaning value proposition. Some are too vague, complicated and a little hard to understand, but basically it is still discusses the most possible reason on why would the client buy website from you.

In order for you to determine your website value proposition, you would be able to answer the following questions.

  • What is the edge of your website from other website for sale?

  • What are the possible advantages that buyer can get from your website?

  • What are your payment methods and how accessible it is for the buyer?

  • How fast could you be able to transfer the ownership of your website?

  • What kind of support could your provide to the buyer after he bought your website?

  • Do you have a good domain name?

  • Does your website is already earning some money from advertisements?

  • What is the reason on why you are selling your website?

  • Does your website have a good traffic statistics?

  • How about the website’s ranking in search engine results?

Once you have already answered all those questions, you would possibly have some good plan to take in order to give reasons on your possible buyer on why they should need to buy your website. The best plan that you could do is to list first the answers to all those questions and analyze all of it. Make sure that you would be able to come up with a good proposition that could attract the buyers. Make it more professional as much as possible as if you are doing a business plan. You could come up some possible answers like below:

  • The edge of your website could be the value that it can get from the website valuecalculators. It is usually determine with the use of your current page ranking, record sales, website traffic statistics and as well as your domain. If you are going to have the best results for those factors, then you can possibly have the best website and it will be already considered as gold.

  • Basically, once you already got a lot of edge compared to other competitors in the market, there should be one big advantage to the buyer and those is for them to easily tweaked or avoid some additional problems in continuing the business that you have in your own website.

  • If you could easily transfer the ownership of your website within a given time or at least three days then that could be a good proposition for you. Usually, the owners of the website offers a fast transfer of ownership in order to attract more buyers that is why that could help you if you would be able to offer the same technique.

  • The reason on why you are selling the website is also important as the buyer could be able to give you a better especially if it is for rush selling.