100% Website Stats and Website Value Calculator For Free

100% Website Stats and Website Value Calculator For Free

100% Website Stats and Website Value Calculator For Free

It is important to know all details about your website which includes its statistics and well as the possible value that it can get in the market right now. Due to that you may wonder on how you can get an accurate number for you web statistics and as well as your website value. But even before we go to the main topic, let us know first the difference and meaning of the two.

Website Statistics

The website statistics refers to the analysis of your website traffic and as well as the collection of different internet data that is being used for website optimization. It can be also used for marketing purposes in order to control the web usage of the users and as well as give an idea to the owner if there is something to change or if the website is already doing good in the market. It also helps them to check the results of advertisements that they have been doing. There different factors that is considered in getting your website statistics and these are hits, page views, unique visitor, repeat visitor, entry and exit page view, and frequent time of stay of the user in a certain page in your website.

Website Value

The web value from the name itself is about the value of your website. It is important to know especially if the owner would like to sell website. Basically, it is the amount of your website in dollars and usually answers the question of how much money you can earn once you have sold it. This is usually determines with different factors that affect it like your current page ranking, your web statistics, your monthly revenue and as well as your domain name.

Website Statistics Calculator

In order for you to know the exact and accurate number of your website statistics, it is recommended for you to use some website statistics calculators that can be found in the internet. There are almost hundreds of websites that offers calculators in which can help you to compute your website statistics and almost all of it claims that they can give you the most accurate results but it is better for you to be cautious with this and make some research about what could be really the best calculators that being used by many when they are checking their website statistics.

Website Value Calculator

If you want to have estimation on what could be the value of your website, it is best for you to use some website value calculator that is available in the internet. There is almost hundreds of it that you can find and you wouldn’t possibly know which one to use. There is some of it that is being paid and there are also some that is just free. The option may depend in your needs. If you want a calculator for a longer use, it is advisable for you to use some paid calculators which could be installed in your computers and you would be able to use it every time you want. On the other hand, there are free online website value calculators that you can use if you just need it for one time.